TRIO’s Community Impact

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Food insecurity, social isolation, the inability to prepare meals for themselves. These are some of the challenges facing many older adults throughout the United States. TRIO partners with agencies in their efforts to combat these issues by providing nutrient-dense meals to senior nutrition programs and congregate settings that serve this vulnerable population.
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Our Community Impact by the Numbers
Meal programs in congregate settings and home-delivered meals are true lifelines for many older adults and others in your community. Whether due to age, infirmity, income or other factors, they are not getting enough nutritious food to eat on a regular basis. They may be unable to shop for nutritious food or cook a well-rounded meal for themselves. Perhaps a caregiver is unavailable to ensure the person they care for is eating well.
How TRIO Makes a Difference
Partnering with TRIO enhances your program’s ability to reach more people who will benefit from receiving nutritious meals. Whether delivering to their homes or serving them at senior centers or other congregate settings, TRIO provides your team with vital resources in multiple ways as a supportive partner in senior nutrition.

OAA-compliant menus
Flexible meal options and menus
Depending on how you run your program—and the needs of your community members—TRIO offers hot, chilled or frozen meals, or a hybrid of all three meal types. We also can provide shelf-stable meals to enhance your emergency planning. Our registered dietitians craft all menus and entrée choices to meet your program guidelines and our executive chef can create meals that reflect the regional or cultural preferences of your community.

Extensive logistics capabilities